Despite having their storage & distribution licence revoked last month, Ocado and their new mates M&S are still trying to bully their way onto the site next to the school.

They have submitted a new application for an electricity substation to power their distribution centre – a centre they are not allowed to open!

Their application, like their one last year, is full of holes and missing information designed to obfuscate the true purpose of the substation. 

This section which asks what the current use of the site is, is filled in using the answer to the previous question.

Again, this section which asks what the proposed use of the retained floorspace is left blank.

The covering letter says this electricity upgrade is for the site’s ‘existing use‘ – but as we have shown, they have not described what the existing use is. Perhaps deliberately as we know it’s been empty for several years and so has no current use.

It’s clear what Ocado’s tactic is, they’re going to try to build as much of the depot as they possibly can on the sly, then submit a planning application when it’s nearly ready to try and force the Council’s hand.

Ocado and their landlords have shown themselves to be untrustworthy corporate raiders who will stop at nothing to secure this site.

We must object to this again as we did in January. Ocado cannot be allowed to build this depot by stealth. They must be stopped and we must tell Islington Council again that they must be stopped.

Please, lodge an objection here (deadline Nov 22nd)>>>

Spread this far and wide and thank you for your ongoing support.

Nocado HQ



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