On January 6th, The letter below dropped into residents houses on Pemberton Gardens and Wedmore Gardens.

Units A-D Bush Industrial Estate is the Ocado site – but who are Glencar Construction?

They do fit outs for Ocado CFCs:


Worried that this meant Ocado were about to start fitting out the site, a few hardy Nocadoists staged an early morning socially-distanced protest at the entrance to Ocado’s site. We made a paper chain of children made out of Nocado posters to represent the will of the children who have protested against this depot for over a year. Ocado’s vehicles symbolically broke the chain and drove over the paper children just as Ocado have ridden roughshod over the school and the community from the start.


We also alerted the Council to this new development. Incredibly, neither Ocado or Glencar had informed either the Council or the school that new work was about to commence.

We also made a new campaign video to raise awareness that Ocado were starting work again.

As a result of this action, we managed to secure an inspection visit from Islington Council. Ocado assured the Council that no illegal works were taking place to fit out the site. Islington have assured us they will monitor the site to ensure Ocado do not attempt to continue fitting out the warehouse for unlawful use.

Islington Council revoked the site’s ‘storage & distribution’ status in October 2020. This means Ocado cannot open on the site, nor can they build anything which is in pursuance of that objective.

This latest attempt to continue building this warehouse, while everyone is still at home trying to work and homeschool, while there are still key worker and vulnerable children in the school, with no consultation with either the school or the Council and while the site’s B8 status is revoked, is a brazen act of aggression towards the community which will not be forgotten.

Update* 21/01/21

Several Islington Councillors plus Richard Watts, the Leader of Islington Council have written a piece in this week’s Islington Tribune urging Ocado to stop works until the status of the site is settled.


Ocado haven’t listened to either the Council or the community so far, they’re unlikely to heed this either.



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