On Tuesday evening over 100 members of the Archway and Tufnell Park community gathered in Yerbury school to voice profound opposition to Ocado’s planned depot.
In defiance to this opposition, Ocado confirmed they will open the depot before Christmas using diesel vans believing they have the legal permissions to do so.
Having had planning permission for a similar depot on an industrial estate in Sutton refused in 2018, Ocado have this time used a backdoor route to quietly secure this site with zero consultation with the community.
This depot presents an existential threat to the health and wellbeing of the 470 children and staff at Yerbury as well as to the wider residential and business community.
Building a depot of this size next to a school is an act of community vandalism and we, the Nocado Campaign, will continue to fight it emboldened by the overwhelming opposition from the community and support across the country.
We are organised, we are motivated and we will work tirelessly to stop Ocado, protect our children and community and change the law so no other community can face this threat in the future.
The Nocado Campaign.
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